Kodesoal Guru (for Teachers) is an online exam platform where Teachers or Teachers can create their own questions for FREE.ExamThe teacher can manage exam data.Teachers can make test tokens.DutyAssignment features where students can work anywhereThe teacher corrects the answers to the descriptions of students in the form of photos uploaded by studentsAfter the teacher corrects all students answers, the teacher can process grades 1 (one) class with just 1 (one) buttonQuestionThe teacher can see a list of questions.The teacher can manage the question data.Questions can be text or pictures and answer choices can be text or pictures.The questions made are grouped based on basic competencies.Questions obtained by students will be randomized in order of numbers automatically (the order number of each student is not the same as other students).ScoreThe teacher can manage grades data.The teacher can export a list of grades per class.Values are grouped based on basic competencies.AccountRegistration is FREEFor Teachers: if your Agency is not yet registered with Kodesoal, please contact us via email
[email protected] Students: please contact the Teacher at your Agency for your Account information.Need help?Please contact us via email
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